Task 1 Multiple Graphs Band 9 - Educational Degree Earned by King City Residents
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Degree Earned by King City Residents and Household Size in King City - Task 1 Multiple Graphs Band 9

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the highest educational degree earned by King City residents, and the average household size in King City from 1950 - 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

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Task 1 Multiple Graphs Band 9 Sample - The charts below show the highest educational degree earned by King City residents, and the average household size in King City from 1950 - 2000.

Task 1 Multiple Graphs Band 9 Sample - The charts below show the highest educational degree earned by King City residents, and the average household size in King City from 1950 - 2000.

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Task 1 Multiple Graphs Band 9 Sample Report

The diagrams illustrate a contrast between the King City residents’ maximum education level and their average household size in the fifty-year span, from 1950 to 2000.

Overall, the percentage of residents who had a college degree increased significantly over the period, whereas that of the high school degree followed exactly the opposite trend. However, the average household size of the city kept decreasing steadily throughout the period.

The percentage of high school degree earned residents was the highest in 1950, followed by that of the college degree. However, it kept falling steadily until 1970, whereas the college graduates kept rising at tandem. These two crisscrossed in 1970 when the percentage of college degree residents started growing rapidly and that of the high school graduates kept falling sharp. However, from 1990 to 2000, both college and high school degree residents experienced a stagnation period at around 65% and 10%, respectively. Meanwhile, post-graduation degree went through a stable rise, though the no high school degree residents followed a continuous decline.

As the average percentage of higher education went up the average household size in the city experienced a somewhat steady fall until 1990, and after that it remained completely unchanged.

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