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Nobody will buy printed newspapers, they will read everything online without paying - Task 2 Band 9

Updated: Apr 9

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything that they want online without paying.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample - In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything that they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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Model Essay 1

The rise of digital media has ignited discussions on the fate of print media, with predictions of its decline in the face of digital's convenience. However, this essay contends that despite the advantages of online resources, print media will preserve its distinct charm and significance. We will explore the enduring value of print and how digital consumption is shaping, not erasing, its role.

Printed materials not only offer tactile experiences and a deep sense of ownership that digital formats cannot replicate, but they also foster a unique, personal connection between the reader and the text. The physical act of turning pages, the distinctive smell of ink on paper, and the visual appeal of bookshelves richly contribute to a reader's experience, enhancing engagement. Studies suggest that reading from paper leads to better comprehension and retention compared to screens, thus highlighting print's significant educational advantage. Moreover, the collector's value of first editions and the aesthetic appeal of printed newspapers and books as design elements in homes and offices further underscore their enduring allure and cultural significance.

On the other hand, the rise of digital media is undeniably reshaping access to information and literature, offering unparalleled convenience. The ability to carry thousands of books in a single device and instantly access the latest news presents compelling advantages for the modern reader. Additionally, online platforms offer interactive and multimedia content, enriching the reading experience with features that print cannot match, such as hyperlinks and videos. However, this shift towards digital mediums does not herald the end for printed media; rather, it suggests a diversification of content consumption, catering to varied preferences and situations. This evolution reflects the changing landscape of media, emphasizing the coexistence of print and digital formats in accommodating diverse reader needs and enhancing accessibility.

In conclusion, the digital transformation enhances information and literature access but does not erase the unique value of print. Both forms, with their distinct advantages, are set to coexist, serving varied reader preferences. The future lies not in choosing one over the other but in valuing the strengths of both print and digital mediums.

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Model Essay 2

The digital era's ascent has stirred a vibrant debate around the survival of printed media, with some predicting its demise in favor of universally accessible online content. This essay posits that despite the convenience of digital platforms, the intrinsic value and unique appeal of printed materials will ensure their persistence. The forthcoming analysis will illuminate the irreplaceable qualities of print media and how digital advancements complement rather than supplant it.

Print media, with its tactile richness and the intimate experience it offers, holds an irreplaceable position in the hearts of many enthusiasts. The act of flipping through pages, the unique scent of paper, and the aesthetic pleasure derived from book collections offer a sensory experience that digital screens simply cannot emulate. Research consistently underscores the cognitive benefits of reading printed materials, revealing significantly enhanced comprehension and memory retention. Furthermore, the tangible nature of books and newspapers fosters a deeper emotional connection, with first editions and exquisitely crafted publications adding substantial value beyond the written word, enriching the reader's engagement and appreciation.

Conversely, the digital realm has undeniably transformed access to information, offering immediacy and portability unmatched by traditional formats. The capacity to store extensive libraries on a single device and instantaneously update content has revolutionized reading habits, accommodating the modern lifestyle's demands. Digital platforms also introduce interactive elements and multimedia integration, enriching the learning experience in dynamic and engaging ways. Nevertheless, this technological shift does not herald the extinction of print; instead, it signals an era of diversified media consumption. Here, digital and print coexist harmoniously, each catering to distinct preferences and occasions, thus broadening the scope of how content can be consumed and appreciated in today's world.

In summary, the narrative that digital media will obliterate print is overly simplistic. While digital platforms redefine accessibility and engagement, the sensory and cognitive advantages of printed materials affirm their lasting significance. Future media landscapes will likely celebrate the coexistence of print and digital, leveraging the strengths of each to enrich the collective experience of readership.

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Sample Essay 3

The advent of digital technology has sparked a debate on the future of traditional printed media, with some predicting the obsolescence of newspapers and books in favour of online content. I contend that this perspective overlooks the enduring value and unique qualities of printed materials, asserting their continued relevance despite the digital surge.

Firstly, the tangible nature of printed books and newspapers offers a sensory experience that digital platforms cannot replicate. The feel of paper between one's fingers, the sound of turning pages, and even the scent of ink contribute to a reading experience that is profoundly personal and deeply engaging. Furthermore, printed materials do not require electricity or internet connectivity, making them more accessible in regions where such resources are scarce or unreliable.

Moreover, the health implications associated with prolonged screen exposure cannot be understated. Research has indicated that the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns and strain the eyes. Unlike digital devices, reading printed material does not expose the reader to such risks, presenting a healthier alternative for prolonged reading sessions.

Collecting physical books and newspapers also has cultural and sentimental value that transcends mere content consumption. Physical libraries and archives serve as bastions of knowledge and history, preserving works for future generations in a way that digital formats, susceptible to data loss and obsolescence, cannot guarantee. The act of gifting or inheriting a book adds a personal dimension to the reading experience, embedding stories within stories.

In conclusion, while the convenience and accessibility of digital media are undeniable, printed newspapers and books hold irreplaceable value that extends beyond their physical form. They offer a sensory experience, promote health, and carry cultural significance that digital formats are yet to match.

Sample Essay 4

It is widely believed that the future will witness the extinction of printed magazines, journals, and books, owing to the ability to access them online without charge. However, I unequivocally refute this proposition on the basis that purchasing and perusing a printed book or newspaper elevates our existence to the fullest, while also supporting democracy. Conversely, online reading is predominantly subject to an authority's endorsement, and it fails to provide a deep, nuanced perspective to readers.

Indulging in a printed newspaper or book is the paramount means of fostering one's imaginative prowess. As individuals peruse a printed story or article, they are prone to visualize the settings and characters therein, with the depth of their immersion spawning a proliferation of creative cognizance. This unparalleled sensation can only be attained through the consumption of printed material. For instance, a study reveals that individuals who read the Harry Potter novel series in print format were left disillusioned after viewing the film adaptations, as their mental imagery far surpassed the visual depictions in the films. This exemplifies how a physical book invigorates one's cognitive faculties to a degree that is almost unattainable through browsing online literature.

Furthermore, procuring printed books or newspapers serves as a contribution towards augmenting our democratic values. Once a fact is printed, it becomes arduous for a government to disregard it, whereas online news portals can be readily suppressed by authoritarian regimes. Sustaining the subscription of printed literature fortifies this formidable democratic platform. As an illustration, it is widely acknowledged that in numerous Latin American countries that lack democratic structures, individuals can only access online news portals that are subject to control by their respective regimes.

In conclusion, perusing a printed publication stimulates brain function and imagination, thereby fostering creativity that can translate to real-life achievements. Conversely, reading online texts offers a fleeting sense of gratification. Additionally, purchasing printed newspapers serves as a crucial financial backing for this platform, which represents the people's voice in the pursuit of democracy.

Sample Essay 5

There is a discussion whether written media tools such as newspapers and books will no longer be purchased by individuals as it will be possible to reach them online and without payment. I completely disagree with this opinion. 

Firstly, written books and newspapers are more affordable. Although there are free limited daily news and some e- books on the internet, most platforms require people to be a member with a fee. Additionally, people need to have technological devices, namely laptop, mobile phone, and e-book reader which are produced to be broken down in a short time with a fast-consuming mentality. However, buying them is less effortless and cheaper. Moreover, books can be lent to other people and gifted to other generations. 

Secondly, technological equipment has a detrimental effect on people’s health. For instance, reading something online is harmful to people’s eyes because of virtual light. So, people need special protective glasses to be able to read safely. Moreover, this light may cause eye surgeries, earlier than usual. The fear of being operated may trigger psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and fear of death. 

Finally, collecting books and newspapers is a habit. While some people see books as decorative accessories, others think that newspapers are a good way to remember the past. Thus, people tend to collect them as a memory. Furthermore, these collectors use well-designed bookcases and newspaper racks to exhibit these papers. 

In conclusion, while it is believed that people will not pay for newspapers and books later because of free access to online ones, I disapprove of this statement. In my opinion, written documents will continue to be read and hold their own. 


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