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In spite of the advances in agriculture, people around the world still go hungry-Task 2 Essay Band 9

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

Why is this the case?

What can be done about this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample - In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry.

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Sample Essay 1

Despite significant advancements in agricultural technology and methods, the grim reality is that hunger remains a global dilemma. This paradox arises from unequal distribution and financial barriers rather than scarcity. The discourse will explore the disparity in food accessibility and the pivotal role of education and policy reform in mitigating this crisis.

Central to the issue of hunger is the inequitable distribution of resources. While some regions boast surplus produce, others grapple with famine. This discrepancy is not a matter of production but of distribution logistics and political will. For instance, food wastage in developed nations could feed millions in underdeveloped areas, yet logistical challenges and lack of infrastructure impede the redistribution of food. Additionally, economic constraints render the impoverished unable to afford even basic sustenance, further exacerbating the hunger crisis. The solution lies not only in enhancing agricultural efficiency but also in reforming distribution mechanisms to ensure food reaches those in dire need.

Moreover, education and policy reform emerge as formidable tools in addressing hunger. Educating farmers about sustainable practices can significantly increase yield without necessitating extensive land use or additional resources. Government policies can incentivize this education and support the infrastructure needed for effective distribution. Furthermore, international cooperation is paramount in crafting policies that facilitate food sharing across borders, ensuring that surplus food benefits those in hunger hotspots. By fostering a global community committed to eradicating hunger, we can leverage advancements in agriculture for the greater good.

In conclusion, the persistence of hunger amid agricultural progress underscores the complexities of global food distribution and economic disparity. Addressing this requires a multifaceted approach involving improved distribution networks, policy reforms, and international collaboration. By targeting these key areas, we can move closer to a world where advances in agriculture directly translate into the eradication of hunger.

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Sample Essay 2

Global hunger continues to be a longstanding challenge that affects individuals from a broad range of backgrounds and regions worldwide. This essay explores the persistence of global hunger despite progress in agriculture and outlines solutions to combat it, including reducing food waste, alleviating poverty, and mitigating the impact of natural disasters through policies and programs that empower individuals and provide basic necessities.

There are several reasons why many individuals globally go hungry. Firstly, food wastage is a major contributor to the issue. In developed countries, many individuals discard food items that are still edible, leading to increased food waste. Secondly, poverty is another key factor that leads to hunger. Poor individuals cannot afford to purchase adequate food, leading to malnutrition and starvation. Thirdly, natural disasters such as droughts and floods, often experienced in many developing countries, disrupt food production, leading to food shortages and hunger.

To address this issue, several measures can be taken. Firstly, governments should prioritize the implementation of policies that aim to reduce food waste. This can be achieved through campaigns that encourage people to be mindful of their food consumption habits. Additionally, charities and other organizations should focus on collecting and distributing excess food to those who need it the most. Secondly, poverty alleviation should be a top priority. This can be achieved through the provision of basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare to low-income earners. Furthermore, governments should establish programs that aim to empower individuals and provide them with sustainable income-generating activities. Lastly, governments should take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of natural disasters. This can be achieved through investing in irrigation systems, early warning systems, and disaster preparedness programs.

In conclusion, hunger remains a significant challenge that affects many individuals worldwide. The issue is caused by several factors, including food wastage, poverty, and natural disasters. Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach, including reducing food waste, alleviating poverty, and mitigating the impact of natural disasters. If these measures are implemented effectively, the world can move closer towards eradicating hunger and achieving food security for all.

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Sample Essay 3

Nowadays, even though many progresses have been made in agriculture, there are still many individuals who cannot get enough food. The main reason for this is the increase of population density, and of social inequalities in developing countries. However, economic and technical support by western countries, and the development of local democratic governments can be viable successful solutions.

Nowadays, although modern techniques are applied in agriculture to increase production of vegetables and fruits, many people are still hungry, especially in developing countries, due to the enormous growth of population and to social instability, which can also cause regional wars. In fact, it is well known that the birth rate is very high in less developed nations in geographical areas such as Africa, South-East Asia, Central and South America. This causes a huge increase of inhabitants in these regions, and consequently a continuous high demand of food, which cannot be satisfied. Moreover, these developing countries have social instability, which in some cases can cause riots, damaging the possibility to develop agricultural productivity. In addition, local fights are frequent due to rivalry for the control of mining resources, and this can destroy farms and plantations, worsening an agricultural industry that is already in crisis.

On the other hand, it is possible to adopt some solutions to ameliorate agriculture, such as financial aid and technical support, and by fostering the development of democratic governments. It is well known that to increase the agricultural production of a country, it is necessary to allocate enormous economic resources by the rich nations, and they should channel them into developing countries. In addition, technical support with skilled technicians and new agricultural vehicles are essential to increase the production of vegetables, fruits, and in many cases of livestock too. This is because technicians can build new wells and new irrigation systems, which are indispensable to improve agricultural productivity. Furthermore, it is necessary to favour the development of democratic governments, which can carry out reforms to modernize agriculture in rural areas and redistribute the economic resources. This would noticeably improve food availability, and people quality of life.

In conclusion, even though many technological advancements have been made in agriculture, many people cannot get enough food, due to the demographic growth in developing countries, and to social support by western countries, which should also foster the development of democratic regimes.

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