Children are often told that they can achieve anything-Task 2 Essay Band 9
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Children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough - Task 2 Essay Band 9

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample - In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

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Model Essay 1

In numerous cultures, it is propagated among children that perseverance is the key to unlocking any ambition. This notion, while inspiring, harbors both significant benefits and latent drawbacks. It nurtures resilience and ambition but also risks engendering unrealistic expectations and potential disillusionment. The ensuing discourse will explore the merits of fostering a tenacious spirit, juxtaposed with the perils of overpromising outcomes.

Foremost, instilling the belief in limitless potential through hard work cultivates resilience and self-motivation in children, imbuing them with a robust sense of purpose and self-efficacy. This mindset encourages them to confront challenges with unwavering determination, viewing failures not as insurmountable barriers but as vital stepping stones towards success. For instance, historical figures like Thomas Edison exemplify how relentless pursuit, despite facing numerous failures, can lead to groundbreaking achievements, such as the invention of the light bulb, thereby illustrating the positive reinforcement of resilience, innovation, and the transformative power of perseverance.

Conversely, the assertion that effort alone guarantees success can set the stage for potential disillusionment, especially when children encounter challenges that cannot be overcome by hard work alone. Not all endeavors culminate in victory, regardless of the exerted effort, due to variables beyond one's control, such as socio-economic constraints, inherent talent, or unforeseen circumstances. This reality can lead to a dissonance between expectations and achievable outcomes, potentially fostering feelings of inadequacy and disillusionment among children. These outcomes underscore the necessity of tempering optimism with realism, to prepare young minds for the complexities of real-world challenges, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and emotional resilience in the face of setbacks.

In conclusion, while championing the ethos of perseverance among children is commendable, it is imperative to balance this encouragement with a pragmatic understanding of life's inherent unpredictability. This approach not only nurtures resilient, motivated individuals but also equips them with the wisdom to navigate the vicissitudes of their journey with grace and realism, thereby fostering a more holistic development.

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Model Essay 2

Across various cultures, the adage that relentless effort can unlock any door to success is frequently imparted to the youth. While this belief undoubtedly fuels ambition, it equally harbors the potential for disillusionment. This essay will argue that such a philosophy fosters essential life skills and resilience, yet it must be tempered with an understanding of life’s inherent unpredictability.

The principle that hard work begets success serves as a compelling motivator, driving children to embrace challenges with unwavering zeal and determination. It instills a growth mindset, where the value of effort and learning from failure are esteemed far above any innate talent. Consider the inspiring case of J.K. Rowling, who, despite facing rejection from multiple publishers, persisted in refining her manuscript, her efforts eventually birthing the global phenomenon of the Harry Potter series. This narrative vividly underscores the potency of perseverance, creativity, and an unwavering belief in one's vision, teaching valuable lessons in resilience and the pursuit of dreams despite obstacles.

However, the simplistic narrative that perseverance alone ensures success is fraught with notable pitfalls. It tends to oversimplify the intricate complexities of achieving success, which often involves a dynamic interplay of factors, including opportunity, timing, external support, and sometimes sheer luck. When children are taught to attribute success solely to relentless effort, they may find themselves disheartened in situations where outcomes are influenced by factors starkly beyond their control. This profound mismatch between expectation and reality can precipitate a sense of failure and inadequacy, underscoring the urgent need for a more balanced outlook that recognizes the multifaceted and often unpredictable nature of success. Encouraging this broader perspective helps in preparing young minds for the real world, fostering resilience and a healthier understanding of success and failure.

In conclusion, the value of steadfast effort in fostering resilience and ambition is undeniable. However, imparting a nuanced view of success—recognizing both perseverance and its complexities—is crucial. This balanced approach equips children for life's challenges, nurturing adaptability and a realistic optimism essential for the future.

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Model Essay 3

Today, it is customary to teach kids the value of working hard in order to achieve their goals. Although this is a fantastic way to help kids build a strong work ethic and perseverance, it may also instil in them the idea that effort equals achievement, which may be terrible if they do not succeed despite their best efforts. This concept will be further explained in the paragraphs that come next.

The earlier a youngster understands the value of perseverance, the more equipped he or she will be to overcome obstacles in life. To put it another way, there is no substitute for hard effort when it comes to preventing or overcoming the challenges that life presents. It is undeniably true that we must prepare our children so that they can handle any prospective obstacles appropriately. In reality, only youngsters who have been taught to never give up in their pursuit of their goals possess the bravery to accept setbacks skill to keep going with reinvigorated determination. As a result, these kids will try again and learn from their mistakes in order to succeed no matter what.

There is a serious complaint against this approach, though, because the kids could start thinking that success is something you get for working hard. That implies that despite their diligent efforts, they can lose the ability to handle the anguish of any failure. Because of this, they may have a horrible dejection that will make their cycle of failure in life even more vicious. In reality, there are countless terrible events where people took their own lives due to anger with their failures. For example, I remember a famous soccer player who committed suicide after losing a high voltage match, even though he was always a successful shining star apart from that one game. This demonstrates how having the ingrained belief that success must result from hard labour is not always helpful.

In conclusion, teaching youngsters to work hard enough to get what they desire may help them be more equipped to handle life's challenges as adults. This lesson, though, may go in a different path, because it might give them the message that success is a default outcome of hard work, which may lead them toward a terrible conclusion.

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