Computers will become More Intelligent Than Human Beings - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Essay
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Computers will become More Intelligent Than Human Beings - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The scientist believes that computers will become more intelligent than human beings. Some people find it a positive while others think it is a negative development.

Discuss both points and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay, based on the question prompt "The scientist believes that computers will become more intelligent than human beings. Some people find it a positive while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both points and give your own opinion."

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Sample Essay 1

The debate surrounding the potential of computers to outsmart humans is a double-edged sword, promising revolutionary progress while also igniting significant apprehensions. This essay will explore the benefits of artificial intelligence, such as unparalleled problem-solving in various fields, against its possible perils, including job displacement and ethical dilemmas, advocating for a cautious yet optimistic approach towards integrating AI into society.

Proponents of artificial intelligence supremacy argue it paves the way for solving complex global challenges, enhancing human capabilities. Intelligent machines, with their superior processing capabilities, could revolutionize fields such as medicine, climate science, and logistics, offering solutions far beyond human reach. For instance, AI-driven research could accelerate the discovery of novel treatments for diseases, potentially saving millions of lives. Moreover, AI's unparalleled ability to analyze vast datasets could lead to groundbreaking breakthroughs in renewable energy, significantly mitigating climate change impacts and fostering a sustainable future.

Conversely, skeptics warn of significant drawbacks, emphasizing a cautious approach. Primarily, there is the existential risk of AI surpassing human control, leading to scenarios where machines prioritize their objectives over human welfare, potentially compromising ethical boundaries. Additionally, the displacement of jobs by automation could exacerbate social inequalities, leaving vast swathes of the population unemployed. This shift would not only affect manual labor but also extend to cognitive professions, challenging the very fabric of society and necessitating a reevaluation of our workforce structure and social safety nets.

In conclusion, while the ascendancy of computers over human intelligence presents opportunities for monumental advancements, it also harbors risks that cannot be overlooked. Embracing this duality, it is imperative to navigate the technological trajectory with caution, ensuring that AI development is aligned with ethical standards and human values. Only by maintaining this balance can we harness the full potential of AI, transforming challenges into stepping stones for a harmonious future.

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Sample Essay 2

The prospect of computers outsmarting humans stirs a mix of anticipation and concern, setting the stage for a pivotal examination of AI's potential and ethical implications. This essay will navigate the dual facets of AI's promise for ground-breaking solutions and the moral, societal challenges it presents, arguing for a cautious yet innovative approach to its development.

Advocates for AI's ascendancy highlight its unparalleled capacity to tackle previously unsolvable issues. In healthcare, AI's potential to democratize expert diagnostic tools could transform medical prognoses, making advanced, life-saving predictions universally accessible. Equally, in environmental management, AI's predictive analytics stand to revolutionize climate resilience strategies, offering targeted interventions that significantly reduce the vulnerability to natural disasters. An illustrative success story is AI's optimization of agricultural practices, such as identifying the most effective crop planting patterns, which markedly enhances both yields and sustainability, thereby addressing food security concerns.

Conversely, AI's swift progression brings to the forefront existential dilemmas and socio-economic repercussions. The autonomy of AI systems ignites debates on accountability and ethical responsibility, especially in sensitive areas like autonomous weaponry, where entrusting machines with life-or-death decisions poses profound ethical challenges. Economically, the AI-driven transformation of the job landscape calls for comprehensive societal adjustments. Initiatives like re-skilling programs and proposals for a universal basic income are crucial in buffering the economic shocks of automation, ensuring that the workforce remains resilient and adaptable in the face of AI-induced disruptions. This dual-edged impact of AI necessitates a balanced, informed approach to its development and integration into society.

In summary, while AI promises a future replete with technological marvels and solutions to age-old problems, it concurrently mandates a vigilant and ethical stewardship. Balancing the zeal for innovation with a commitment to societal well-being and moral principles is paramount. This equilibrium ensures that the journey towards AI supremacy enriches humanity, paving the way for a future that is not only technologically advanced but also socially inclusive and ethically sound.

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Sample Essay 3

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to surpass human cognitive abilities has sparked a contentious debate about its positive and negative consequences. While the prospect of job loss and the resulting psychological distress may seem like a significant threat, I am of the opinion that AI technology has the potential to substantially enhance human productivity and improve our overall well-being.

The possible impact of AI on mental health is a growing concern, particularly for those who are at risk of job displacement due to automation. Losing one's job can be a traumatic experience that can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. The widespread adoption of AI technology is expected to result in the replacement of human workers with machines, resulting in significant job losses. This could trigger a range of negative mental health outcomes, such as feelings of worthlessness, despair, and hopelessness. This, in turn, could create a vicious cycle of unemployment and depression, causing significant harm to individuals and their families.

On the other hand, AI has the potential to enhance human productivity in a variety of workplace domains. These machines have been designed to excel in areas such as complex decision-making, sophisticated analytics, pattern recognition, and language translation, all of which can significantly improve employee performance. These features of code-based systems have been implemented in various companies to handle various tasks, including data calculation, organization, and storage, freeing up employees' time, abilities, and skills to focus on more demanding jobs. The capabilities of AI can also lead to significant benefits for businesses, such as the automation of repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on higher-level and more strategic responsibilities.

In conclusion, while the potential impact of AI on employment and mental health is a growing concern, artificial intelligence has immense potential to enhance human productivity and efficiency by automating a wide range of repetitive tasks in workplaces and businesses.

Sample Essay 4

In recent decades, the emergence of algorithm-driven artificial intelligence has led to its pervasive presence across all sectors of society. The debate surrounding whether machine intelligence, based on code, outperforms human intelligence, has engendered divergent opinions, with some predicting unprecedented opportunities while others foresee unprecedented threats. Despite the concern over job displacement, I am of the view that the advancement of AI technology has the potential to significantly enhance human productivity and elevate our quality of life.

One of the most prominent downsides of artificial intelligence surpassing human capabilities is the massive loss of jobs. Modern autonomous robots have been programmed to perform a range of functions and skills, including acquiring information from diverse sources and working without the need for rest or relaxation. This has resulted in the displacement of human workers in repetitive, monotonous, or hazardous jobs, such as phone operators, assembly-line and factory workers. For instance, Tesla's driverless cars are expected by many experts to cause a significant reduction in the employment of car drivers in the next two decades.

Those who espouse the benefits of machines surpassing human intelligence contend that this technology could amplify human efficiency in various fields. These machines are designed to perform tasks such as complex decision-making, sophisticated analytics, pattern recognition, and language translation, thereby greatly enhancing employee performance. Code-driven systems have been used in many companies to reduce the workload of staff by automating tasks such as data calculation, organization, and storage, freeing up their time, abilities, and skills for more demanding jobs.

In conclusion, while the possibility of job displacement due to machines surpassing human intelligence is a valid concern, artificial intelligence holds immense potential to increase human productivity and efficiency by automating a wide spectrum of repetitive tasks in workplaces and businesses.

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