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For Centuries, Important Parts of Education Are Reading, Writing and Maths, While Some People Think Computer Skills Will Be Added to the List - IELTS Essay

Updated: Sep 27

For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think computer skills will be added to the list - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essays

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Sample Essay 1

With the rapid advancement of technology, some argue that computer literacy should join traditional subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics as core educational elements. I fully agree that computer skills are indispensable in today’s digital age, as they are crucial for both professional success and personal convenience. This essay will discuss how the modern job market increasingly demands technological proficiency and how daily tasks now rely on computer skills.

To begin with, the rise of the digital economy has made computer skills not just useful but indispensable for most careers. Whether it’s programming, data analysis, or even basic communication through digital platforms, nearly every profession today demands a comprehensive understanding of technology. For example, a report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that over 75% of all jobs now require some level of computer literacy, and this figure continues to grow across industries. Even traditionally "non-technical" fields like marketing, education, and design increasingly rely on advanced tools such as data analytics software, graphic design programs, and content management systems. The shifting job landscape shows that proficiency in these tools is no longer optional but mandatory for career success. As a result, education systems must adapt to equip students with these essential technological skills, integrating them as rigorously as literacy and numeracy to ensure graduates are fully prepared for the modern workforce.

In addition, beyond professional settings, computer literacy is now crucial for navigating daily life in an increasingly digital world. Everyday tasks such as online banking, grocery shopping, and even simple communication are often conducted through various digital platforms. Whether it’s managing finances, booking travel arrangements, or accessing essential services like healthcare, individuals are expected to interact with technology in ways that were unimaginable a few decades ago. Without proper computer literacy, many individuals may struggle to perform these basic, yet essential tasks, leading to inefficiencies, frustration, or even exclusion from critical services. Therefore, teaching computer skills in schools is not just about career preparation; it is about equipping students to handle the practical demands of modern living and fully participate in society. Schools have a responsibility to ensure that students are not left behind in this digital transformation, where technology increasingly dominates both the professional and personal spheres of life.

In conclusion, as technology continues to influence both the professional and personal spheres, computer literacy must become a fundamental component of education. It is as essential as traditional subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics, equipping individuals to thrive in a digitally-driven world.

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Sample Essay 2

In recent years, some suggest that computer literacy should be included alongside reading, writing, and mathematics as a fundamental part of education. However, I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. While computer skills are undoubtedly important, prioritizing them at the same level as foundational subjects is misguided. This essay will argue that reading, writing, and mathematics form the bedrock of all learning, and placing computer skills on the same level may lead to educational imbalances.

To begin with, reading, writing, and mathematics are core disciplines that develop essential cognitive abilities. These subjects are foundational to fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are indispensable for comprehending any specialized field, including technology. For instance, advanced computer programming relies on logical thinking, often grounded in mathematical principles and clear communication. Without strong literacy and numeracy skills, students will struggle to grasp more complex concepts in fields such as science, engineering, and even computer science. Emphasizing computer skills prematurely, or at the expense of these subjects, risks creating students who lack the intellectual foundation for sustained success in both technological and non-technological careers. Furthermore, relying solely on technical know-how without mastering basic cognitive skills can lead to a superficial understanding of technology, limiting the ability to innovate or think critically within the field.

Moreover, while computers have become an integral part of modern life, they are merely tools, not subjects that require extensive foundational study. Unlike the enduring relevance of reading, writing, and mathematics, technology evolves rapidly, with specific software or platforms often becoming obsolete within a few years. For example, a student trained extensively on one programming language may find it irrelevant within a decade, necessitating constant retraining. By contrast, literacy and numeracy have remained timeless pillars of education, equipping students with adaptable cognitive skills. Schools should prioritize these enduring subjects to ensure students are equipped to think critically and adapt to evolving technological trends, rather than focusing too narrowly on skills that may soon be outdated. Ultimately, it is far easier for someone with a strong foundation in reading and critical thinking to master new technologies than for someone technologically skilled but lacking basic literacy, which undermines their long-term learning potential.

In conclusion, while computer skills are valuable, they should not be elevated to the same status as reading, writing, and mathematics in education. The latter subjects build the critical thinking and adaptability needed to succeed in any discipline, including those involving technology.

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Sample Essay 3

Literacy and foundational math skills are important in education and are required to get a good paying job in most countries. Furthermore, people think that having computer knowledge is beneficial in most academic environments. I agree with this statement as the future of education and the workforce revolve around technology and computers.

Most schools now incorporate computers as essential tools to enhance learning, with teachers utilizing them to strengthen students’ skills across various subjects. A wide range of literacy apps designed to improve reading fluency and vocabulary are available, many equipped with advanced features like voice correctors. These features allow students to hear pronunciations, recognize correct spelling, and understand meanings, offering an interactive approach to literacy. Additionally, mathematical apps provide targeted lessons aligned with the curriculum, enabling students to practice specific topics repeatedly until they master the concept. This digital reinforcement makes learning more engaging and accessible, fostering independent study and improving comprehension in ways traditional methods may not achieve. By integrating computer skills early on, children develop technological fluency that is crucial not only for academics but for lifelong learning in a rapidly digitizing world.

In the workforce, computers have become indispensable, revolutionizing efficiency and productivity in nearly every sector. For example, in medical offices, technology has fundamentally changed operations, with computers now serving multiple critical functions. Secretaries rely on computers for quick access to patient records, scheduling appointments, and communicating with other departments, streamlining administrative tasks that once required much more time. Likewise, doctors use electronic health records to instantly update patient files, review medical histories, and track ongoing treatments. This not only ensures accurate and timely documentation but also enhances patient care by allowing doctors to make informed decisions faster. The same technological transformation applies to other industries such as finance, manufacturing, and education, where computers are now integral to performing daily tasks more effectively and with greater precision. As a result, the ability to navigate these digital systems is no longer optional but essential in today’s professional environments.

In conclusion, computers are essential in education and the workforce and will continue to be in the future. This is why I think computer skills will be added to the list of important education skills.

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