Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9: How to Make Dough for A Pizza..
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The process shows how to make dough for a pizza..(Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 Sample Answer)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The process shows how to make dough for a pizza.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

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Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 Sample (The Process Shows How to Make Dough for a Pizza)

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Task 1 Process Diagram Band 9 Sample Report

The diagram depicts the proceedings of making a pizza dough.

Overall, it requires four key ingredients and precisely seven steps in total for completing the process of making a dough. Also, though most of the stages are executed by a kneading machine, human hands are no less important to measure the key elements, get through the phases and accomplish the outcome.

To initiate the process, it needs half a kilogram of 00 flour, one and a half cups (325 grams) of water, two teaspoons of salt, and half a teaspoon of dry active yeast, followed by pouring all these ingredients into a dough mixture. Afterwards in the kneader, it undergoes a slow-motion mixture for 2 minutes, then a medium pace blend for 5 minutes, and again a two-minute slow mixing.

Once the ingredients have come across all the mixing stages, the dough needs at least 2 hours to expand to double in size. However, the puffed-up dough usually contains many air bubbles that are supposed to be removed using human hands. Finally, the fine-tuned pizza dough is cut into three equal parts, containing 275 grams each.

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