Include Physical Education classes in the curriculum - Task 2 Essay Band 9
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It is essential to include Physical Education classes in the curriculum - IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is essential to include Physical Education classes in the curriculum for all school-age children. Others think that children’s time is better spent on more academic subjects.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample  Answer - Some people believe that it is essential to include Physical Education classes in the curriculum for all school-age children. Others think that children’s time is better spent on more academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Model Essay 1

The debate surrounding the inclusion of Physical Education (PE) in the school curriculum versus prioritizing academic subjects is multifaceted. On one hand, PE is argued to be crucial for holistic child development, promoting physical health and teamwork skills. Conversely, others advocate for an academic-focused curriculum, emphasizing the importance of intellectual growth and future career prospects. This essay will explore both perspectives and argue in favor of a balanced educational approach.

Proponents of integrating Physical Education (PE) into the curriculum emphasize its extensive benefits beyond mere physical fitness. PE plays a pivotal role in fostering social skills, teamwork, and discipline, which are as vital to a child's holistic development as academic knowledge. For example, engaging in group sports not only teaches children about cooperation and leadership but also instills values of perseverance and resilience, thereby preparing them for collaborative environments in their professional futures. Furthermore, in an era dominated by increasing screen time and sedentary lifestyles, PE classes offer an indispensable counterbalance. They not only combat health issues like obesity and anxiety but also promote mental well-being and stress relief, making them a crucial element of a balanced education.

Conversely, advocates for an academic subject-centered curriculum argue that the competitive nature of higher education and the job market demands an emphasis on academic excellence from a young age. They assert that foundational subjects such as mathematics, science, and languages are critical for nurturing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are indispensable for students' future success. Proficiency in STEM fields, for instance, is not just beneficial but often deemed essential for the modern workforce, highlighting the importance of academic rigor. This perspective underscores the belief that comprehensive knowledge in these areas lays the groundwork for innovation and economic growth, reinforcing the need for a strong academic focus in educational institutions to equip students with the skills necessary to navigate a rapidly evolving global landscape.

In conclusion, academic subjects are crucial, but undervaluing Physical Education neglects its essential role in fostering holistic development. A balanced curriculum prepares well-rounded individuals for life's challenges by integrating both academic learning and physical education. An all-encompassing approach is vital for the comprehensive development of the next generation.

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Model Essay 2

The contention over incorporating Physical Education (PE) into school curriculums versus prioritizing academic disciplines is a subject of considerable debate. Advocates for PE underscore its essential role in fostering comprehensive development, while proponents of academic focus emphasize the indispensability of scholarly subjects for future success. This essay will argue that an equilibrium between PE and academics is paramount for the holistic growth of students.

Supporters of Physical Education (PE) posit that its myriad benefits significantly transcend mere physical health, also enhancing social abilities, emotional resilience, and cognitive functions comprehensively. Engaging in sports and various physical activities not only bolsters physical well-being but also meticulously cultivates critical life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. For instance, a compelling study conducted by the University of British Columbia has revealed that regular physical activity can notably enhance neural development and subsequently improve academic performance, strongly suggesting that PE contributes significantly to both physical and intellectual growth, thereby being indispensable in the educational curriculum.

Conversely, advocates for an academic-centric curriculum staunchly argue that in our contemporary world, increasingly propelled by technology and the pursuit of knowledge, mastery in foundational subjects like mathematics, science, and literature is undeniably crucial. They contend that academic achievements serve as the pivotal cornerstones of professional success and societal advancement. Emphasizing the critical importance of STEM education, they assert that robust academic foundations are absolutely essential for fostering innovation and adeptly addressing the multifaceted global challenges we face today, thereby underscoring the paramount need for rigorous academic training from an early age to equip students with the skills necessary for future endeavors.


In conclusion, academic excellence is crucial, yet neglecting Physical Education's holistic benefits limits student development. A balanced curriculum, blending academic rigor with physical education, is key to fostering versatile individuals ready for life's diverse challenges. This integrated approach is vital, equipping students with a wide range of skills for personal and professional success.

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Model Essay 3

Some people believe that incorporating physical education in school curriculum is important for the school age children, whereas another group argues that these pupils are more benefitted just by focusing on academic subjects. However, in my opinion, even though a mere core academic attachment can give a job advantage with a smart grade sheet, a proper physical fitness is more important to cope up with the fast-paced competitive workplace environment. Following paragraph are going to elucidate the idea in detail.

A solid background on academic subjects is crucial to accomplish the most ambitious professional goals. In fact, before evaluating technical skills, most of the employers tend to select the candidates with standout grades and subject areas. Moreover, having very good grades in primary levels help children to qualify for tertiary schools, which eventually lead them to find their niche and well ranked jobs. For instance, schools in Scandinavian countries, which are mainly concentrating on core academic knowledge, are leading global scholarship rankings, regardless of science, technology and human resource stream.

However, a prestigious degree might help to join a smart job at the first place, but afterwards, how long the person will survive depends on his or her physical calibre.

This is why, introducing Physical Education at school is never a waste of time, rather it gives an incredible complement to their formal education. In fact, it is a well-established notion that physical exercise is nonparallel to anything for building a healthy proactive body and mind. In addition, studies show that involvement in physical activities such as soccer game, basketball etc. improves children’s aptitude exponentially and teaches them how to work with a team, which is invaluable resource for their success in professional life.

In conclusion, although academic subjects are important for sharpening children’s grades and degrees to get through the severe job market competition, their proper growth remains incomplete without a formal exposure to Physical Education, because it gives them an edge when it comes to a teamwork in their professional life.

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