Industrial Area in the Town of Norbiton, and Planned Future Development - Task 1 Map Band 9
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Industrial Area in the Town of Norbiton, and Planned Future Development - IELTS Task 1 Map Band 9

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The maps below show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned future development of the site.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Task 1 Map Band 9 Sample Report - The maps show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned future development of the site.

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IELTS Task 1 Map Band 9 Sample Report (1)

The cartographic representations provide a detailed account of Norbiton's current state and its projected developmental plans. A comprehensive analysis of the maps reveals a discernible shift towards increased residential infrastructure and a concomitant decline in industrial facilities. This transformation will chiefly take place in the western and northern regions of the town, with only a minuscule portion of farmland remaining untouched.

Currently, the town centre comprises a central roundabout, surrounded by factories, and a west-to-east thoroughfare. In the future, while the roundabout will persist, the factories will give way to commercial establishments, and new residential complexes will emerge alongside a north-western avenue. Additionally, a new hospital will be constructed in the south-eastern district. The existing eastward thoroughfare will be flanked by new residences and will feature a substantial playground to the north and a school at the easternmost boundary of the town.

Beyond the town centre, plans are underway to construct a small roundabout in the southern region that will bisect an existing street. To the north, a bridge will span the river, and some of the farmland will be supplanted with housing, albeit not to the east, where no alterations are planned.

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IELTS Task 1 Map Band 9 Sample Report (2)

The provided maps showcase an existing industrial area located towards the eastern sector of Norbiton, along with the proposed plans for redevelopment. The overarching objective is to transform this industrial region into a residential district, replete with additional housing units and the necessary supporting amenities.

Currently, the central focus of the area is a roundabout that links an eastern and southern road. The redevelopment plans entail the removal of several factories and the construction of housing in the region surrounding the eastern road. The southern end of this area will feature a school, while a playground is set to be built in the north.

Moreover, a new road is slated to be built north of the roundabout that will span over the river, with housing located on the western flank of the road. The farmland to the north of the river will be replaced with additional housing, with a parallel road set to be constructed and connected to the northbound road. Plans are also in place for the development of another road that will head towards the northwest from the roundabout, with housing to be built on one side and at the road's end.

Towards the southwest of the roundabout, there are plans to construct shops. Across the street, towards the southeast, a medical centre is set to be built. Lastly, the proposed plans also include the addition of a second roundabout where the south road currently intersects with the main road in a T-junction.

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IELTS Task 1 Map Band 8.5 Sample Report

The maps provide a detailed overview of the current layout of Norbiton's industrial region and its ambitious redevelopment plans.

Overall, the planned redevelopment of Norbiton's industrial area marks a significant shift, transforming it into a residential zone. Key changes include the replacement of factories with housing, enhanced road connectivity with a new bridge, and the addition of essential amenities like a medical center, retail spaces, and educational facilities.

Presently, Norbiton's industrial sector, situated in the northeast of the town, is characterized by a linear array of factories flanking the east-west main thoroughfare, which terminates at the town's edge. The northern boundary is demarcated by a river, with expansive farmland extending beyond it.

The proposed transformation is significant, envisaging a transition from industrial to residential use, with a comprehensive redesign of the area. The redevelopment will introduce a new road network, including a bridge traversing the river, thereby facilitating access to the previously isolated farmland. This area is slated to undergo a reduction to accommodate residential buildings.

Central to the new layout is a roundabout, connecting to the bridge, with a designated medical center to its east. To its west, a suite of retail spaces will be established, enhancing the community's commercial options. The eastern extremity will feature an educational institution, complemented by a playground strategically positioned to the northwest, fostering a balanced community environment. Additional housing will frame the riverfront, optimizing the use of available space.

IELTS Task 1 Map Band 8 Sample Report

The report includes a pair of visuals that depict the current state of Norbiton's manufacturing quarter and the anticipated layout in the future. The entire area is slated to undergo a comprehensive metamorphosis, transforming it into a residential district.

At present, the location lies to the east of Norbiton, with a river flowing from west to east in the northern sector. The farmland is situated to the north of the river, and a roundabout occupies the centre of the district, providing access to two exits. One leads to a main road in the south, while the other is oriented towards the east, with factories dispersed on both sides of the roundabout.

In the future, two new exits will be constructed at the roundabout, enabling passage towards the northwest and north directions, crossing over a newly built bridge that leads to new housing. The countryside in the northeast will be the only remaining sector untouched. Additionally, a small roundabout will be built on the main road to link to the larger roundabout. The factories will be replaced by housing and facilities like shops and a medical centre, and a school will be constructed in the east, with a nearby park.

IELTS Task 1 Map Band 7.5 Sample Report

The maps demonstrate a comparison between an industrial region in Norbiton as it presently stands and a proposed development layout for the area in the future. It is apparent that the implementation of the future plan will bring about significant changes to the infrastructure.

At present, the layout features a river running along the northern border, with farmland located beyond it. However, there is no bridge to facilitate the crossing of the river. Conversely, the future plan includes a bridge connecting the central area of the town to the farmland beyond the river. Additionally, the central area of the town is predominantly occupied by factories that extend towards the eastern corner. Nonetheless, it is anticipated that in the upcoming years, many of these factory buildings will be replaced with residential housing units.

Furthermore, the current plan exhibits a scarcity of infrastructure, while the future layout is expected to enhance the infrastructure, which will be concentrated in the central area of the region and will extend to the east. This will include amenities such as shops, schools, playgrounds, and medical centres. Notably, the town situated in the western part of the region will remain unaltered in the future plan.

IELTS Task 1 Map Band 7 Sample Report

The depicted maps showcase the present industrial precinct of Norbiton, as well as a prospective development plan for the future. Broadly speaking, this region will undergo profound transformations that will entail a transition from an industrial zone to a residential one.

A closer examination of the proposed development reveals that there will be an increase in the number of roads, which will be linked to a large circular intersection. Additionally, a smaller roundabout will be built in the middle of the southern road. A lane leading to a housing estate, currently farmland, will be introduced in the northern part of the map. As a result, the farmland will be relocated to the northeast section of the area.

Another notable aspect is that all of the factories within this locale will be replaced with housing and other accommodations for local residents. Moreover, amenities such as shops, medical centres, playgrounds, and schools will be erected to enhance the convenience and accessibility of these services for the citizens. This signifies that the industrial region of Norbiton will undergo urbanization and be transformed into a city. Nevertheless, the neighbouring town will remain unchanged.

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