Main Environmental Problem is the Loss of Plants and Animals-Task 2 Essay Band 9
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The Main Environmental Problem is the Loss of Particular Species of Plants and Animals-Task 2 Band 9

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample - Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

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Model Essay 1

The contemporary debate on environmental crises often oscillates between the loss of biodiversity and broader ecological challenges. While some advocate for the prioritization of endangered species, arguing their extinction could unravel ecosystems, others believe issues like climate change and pollution warrant more immediate attention. This essay contends that while the preservation of flora and fauna is vital, addressing broader environmental threats is paramount for our survival.

The argument for prioritizing species preservation is compelling, given the intricate interdependencies within ecosystems. The extinction of a single species can trigger a domino effect, leading to further loss and destabilizing ecosystems that humans rely on for services such as pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration. For instance, the decline of bee populations has sounded alarms globally, underscoring their role in the pollination of crops essential for human consumption. This perspective underscores a holistic view of conservation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and the unintended consequences of species loss.

Conversely, the argument for addressing broader environmental threats is underpinned by the urgency of issues like global warming and pollution, which pose immediate and catastrophic risks to all life forms. Climate change, driven by human activities such as deforestation and fossil fuel combustion, exacerbates natural disasters, threatens food security, and induces habitat loss at an unprecedented scale. Pollution, be it air, water, or soil, has far-reaching impacts on human health and the environment. The rapid industrialization and plastic waste accumulation offer stark evidence of how these broader issues can exacerbate the biodiversity crisis, suggesting a need for an integrated approach to environmental conservation.

In conclusion, safeguarding endangered species is vital, yet the immediate threats of climate change and pollution require urgent global action. An integrated approach is crucial, blending species preservation with broader environmental sustainability efforts. Tackling the root causes of environmental degradation will protect biodiversity and secure a sustainable future for all.

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Model Essay 2

The contemporary environmental discourse oscillates between the conservation of species and addressing broader ecological issues. While the former emphasizes the critical role of specific flora and fauna in ecosystem stability, the latter advocates for a wider lens, focusing on climate change and pollution as paramount concerns. This essay argues that, although species conservation is essential, the overarching environmental challenges of our era, particularly climate change, necessitate immediate and comprehensive action.

The protection of specific species is undeniably significant, serving as the keystone for biodiversity and ecosystem health. The disappearance of a single species, such as the polar bear, often symbolizes larger environmental shifts, particularly those induced by climate change. These species act not only as indicators of ecosystem health but also as catalysts for conservation efforts, drawing public and scientific attention to the broader implications of their decline. For example, the conservation of sea turtles through protected nesting beaches has broader ecological benefits, preserving coastal ecosystems that protect against storms and support diverse marine life.

However, the urgency of climate change and its capacity to alter global ecosystems arguably overshadows the issue of species loss. The rapid increase in global temperatures, accelerated by human activities like deforestation and carbon emissions, threatens not just individual species but the very fabric of life. The recent wildfires in Australia and the Amazon rainforest offer a grim reminder of climate change's devastating impact, highlighting the need for a global strategy that transcends individual species conservation. Addressing climate change encompasses a myriad of environmental protections, from reducing emissions to fostering sustainable land use, which, in turn, benefits countless species.

In conclusion, while the fight to save individual species is noble and necessary, it is the broader challenge of climate change that poses the greatest threat to our planet's future. An integrated approach that addresses the root causes of environmental degradation while also considering species conservation is crucial. By focusing on the bigger picture, we can ensure a habitable planet not only for specific species but for all forms of life.

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Model Essay 3

It is argued by many that extinction of any particular plant or animal is the major environmental concern, while other groups, including myself, believe that there are some more serious environmental issues, such as global warming and water pollution, that we should address first.

Losing particular kinds of flora and fauna is an obvious environmental problem because it can distort the ecological balance, which is all about the natural coexistence between living organisms such as human being, plants, and animals as well as their environment. When the natural balance breaks down due to the ecological destruction, some plants can grow excessively fast, reducing the available space for the others. Similarly, some animal species can overpower the minor ones and turn to be predators, which eventually leads to further extinction of the endangered ones. For instance, illegal ivory traders have killed six thousand elephants in African National Safari Park over the last 20 years, reducing the size of the elephant groups significantly smaller and weaker in team strength, which is making it easier for the predators like lions to attack and kill the remainder elephants.

On the other hand, there are more important environmental problems, such air and water pollution, which can permanently harm both our planet and our health. In fact, the significant quantity of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels for energy creates the greenhouse effect, which in turn triggers global warming, the melting of glaciers, and ultimately an increase in sea levels. Furthermore, the small particles expelled in the air by motor vehicles which use oil derivatives as fuel, can seriously damage our lungs when they are inhaled. Also, drastic water pollution is another major concern; contaminants from illegally dumped chemicals in landfills can pollute aquifers, rivers, and lakes. As a result, certain fish can consume tiny plastic pieces from plastic bags or bottles, which might then be eaten by humans, posing a serious health risk.

To sum up, although human has to encounter a myriad of environmental issues, loss of any specific group of plant or animal should not be considered as the worst one, while comparing to the global temperature spike and the severe air-water pollution.

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