Success is about Hard Work and Determination - IELTS Essay
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Whether Success is about Hard Work and Determination, or If Success Has a Connection with Money and Personal Appearance - IELTS Essay

Whether Success is about Hard Work and Determination, or If Success Has a Connection with Money and Personal Appearance - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

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Model Essay 1

The question of what drives success - be it hard work and determination or the influence of money and personal appearance - engenders considerable debate. This essay posits that while hard work and determination are fundamental, the impact of financial resources and appearance cannot be overlooked. The ensuing discussion will delve into the intrinsic value of perseverance and resourcefulness, alongside the undeniable advantages conferred by economic means and societal perceptions of attractiveness.

Hard work and determination are often heralded as the bedrock of success. This perspective is rooted in the belief that persistence and grit can surmount any obstacle. History abounds with tales of individuals rising from modest beginnings to achieve remarkable feats, solely on the strength of their resolve and dedication. For instance, many of the world's most influential innovators and leaders attribute their achievements not to inherited wealth or aesthetic appeal, but to relentless effort and an unwavering commitment to their goals. Such narratives reinforce the idea that determination and effort are paramount to realizing one's ambitions.

Conversely, the role of money and personal appearance in shaping one's success trajectory cannot be discounted. Financial resources can provide individuals with access to superior education, networking opportunities, and other avenues that significantly ease the path to achievement. Similarly, societal biases towards conventional attractiveness can play a pivotal role in opportunities for advancement, particularly in fields where public image and perception hold sway. Studies have shown that individuals deemed attractive or who possess financial leverage often receive preferential treatment in hiring practices and workplace evaluations, thereby suggesting that these factors do indeed influence success.

In conclusion, while hard work and determination are indispensable for success, the advantages provided by financial means and physical appearance offer a tangible, albeit unfair, head start for some. This essay argues for a balanced view, acknowledging the importance of innate perseverance and the undeniable influence of socioeconomic factors. Ultimately, success is a multifaceted endeavor, shaped by a confluence of personal qualities and external advantages.

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Model Essay 2

The journey to success is often debated, with opinions divided between those who attribute it to hard work and determination, and others who link it to financial resources and personal appearance. This essay argues that while perseverance is the cornerstone of achieving goals, the influence of financial and physical attributes cannot be entirely discounted.

Hard work and determination are universally acknowledged as essential ingredients for success. Stories of individuals rising from modest backgrounds to achieve remarkable feats are testament to the power of perseverance. For instance, many self-made entrepreneurs credit their achievements to relentless effort and an unwavering commitment to their goals, rather than to their initial financial status or looks. They often face numerous challenges and setbacks, yet their persistence and dedication enable them to overcome these obstacles. This perspective emphasizes that success is accessible to anyone willing to invest time and effort, regardless of their starting point, highlighting the transformative power of grit and resilience.

Conversely, the role of money and personal appearance in shaping success cannot be ignored. Financial resources can provide access to opportunities that are otherwise out of reach, such as quality education, professional networks, and even the ability to take risks without fear of immediate financial ruin. Similarly, in industries where image plays a significant role, such as entertainment and fashion, personal appearance can be a critical factor for success. Attractive individuals may receive more attention and opportunities based on societal preferences, which can accelerate their career advancement. This view suggests that while hard work is important, external factors like financial means and looks can significantly ease the path to achievement, acting as a catalyst for opportunities that might take longer to materialize through hard work alone.

In conclusion, while hard work and determination are undeniably fundamental to achieving success, the advantages conferred by financial resources and personal appearance offer undeniable benefits. However, it is the former qualities that ensure lasting and meaningful achievements, underscoring the belief that true success is a result of one's efforts and resilience.

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