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A Letter to Your Manager about Your Work from Last Year - GT Letter Samples

Write a letter to your manager about your work from last year.

In your letter, include:

  • what you did

  • what you think you could improve

  • a training request

A Letter to Your Manager about Your Work from Last Year - GT Letter

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Model Answer 1

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to reflect on my performance over the past year, highlight areas for improvement, and request relevant training to enhance my skills.

Over the last year, I dedicated myself to several key projects, notably leading the digital marketing campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in online engagement. My role involved coordinating with multiple teams, managing social media content, and analyzing customer feedback to refine our strategies.

Upon reflection, I believe I could further improve in the area of data analytics. While I successfully used basic analytics tools, a deeper understanding of advanced data interpretation would enable me to make more data-driven decisions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

To this end, I would like to request training in advanced data analytics, specifically in using tools like Google Analytics and Tableau. This training would not only refine my analytical skills but also contribute significantly to our team's capacity to understand market trends and customer behaviors more comprehensively.

I appreciate your consideration of my request and am eager to discuss this further at your convenience. Thank you for your continuous support in my professional development journey.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Milton

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Model Answer 2

Dear Ms. Edwards,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to provide a summary of my professional achievements over the past year, to share insights into areas where I can enhance my performance, and to express a desire for specific training to further refine my skillset.

In the past year, my efforts were primarily focused on streamlining our internal processes, which successfully reduced project turnaround times by 25%. My role entailed redesigning workflow systems, implementing new project management software, and leading cross-departmental collaborations to ensure a cohesive approach to project completion.

However, I have identified effective team leadership and conflict resolution as areas where I can improve. While I have managed teams efficiently, I believe honing these skills would enable me to foster a more dynamic and collaborative team environment, leading to even higher productivity levels.

Therefore, I would like to request enrollment in a leadership and conflict resolution workshop. This specialized training would not only bolster my leadership capabilities but also significantly contribute to creating a more harmonious and efficient workplace atmosphere.

Your consideration of my training request is greatly appreciated, and I am keen to discuss how these enhanced skills can be leveraged for the continued success of our department.

Warm regards,

Michael Hanson

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Model Answer 3

Dear Dr. Sanders,

I hope this message finds you well. With this letter, I aim to reflect on my professional journey over the past year, identify areas for further development, and request specific training to augment my expertise.

This past year, I played a pivotal role in the successful launch of our new product line, overseeing the research and development phase and ensuring seamless collaboration between departments. My efforts contributed significantly to the project's timely completion and the product's subsequent market success, evidenced by a 20% increase in sales in the first quarter.

Despite these accomplishments, I recognize the need to enhance my skills in advanced project management. While I have effectively managed timelines and resources, a deeper proficiency in sophisticated project management methodologies would enable me to lead more complex initiatives with greater efficiency.

In light of this, I am requesting to attend an advanced project management certification program. This training would not only sharpen my project management skills but also provide substantial value to our future projects, ensuring higher efficiency and more innovative outcomes.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to discuss how this training can further contribute to our department's goals and my personal growth.

Best regards,

Elizabeth Grant

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