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Describe a Good Advertisement that You Think is Useful - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.

You should say:

  • where you can see it

  • what it is about

  • why do you think it is useful

  • and explain how you feel about it

Describe a Good Advertisement that You Think is Useful - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer - ielts luminary

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Model Answer 1

Recently, I came across an advertisement that left a lasting impression on me, not just for its creativity but also for its practical utility. This advertisement, which I encountered on a popular social media platform, instantly caught my attention amidst a sea of content. It was for a new environmentally-friendly electric vehicle, showcasing not only the car's sleek design but also emphasizing its eco-friendly features.

The ad was beautifully crafted, intertwining scenic visuals with informative graphics, illustrating how the vehicle reduces carbon footprint while offering top-notch performance. What made this advertisement stand out was its focus on sustainability, a topic that resonates deeply with me and, I believe, with many others in today's environmentally-conscious society.

I find this advertisement particularly useful because it addresses a significant issue - environmental preservation - through the lens of daily transportation. It educates viewers about the impact of their choices on the environment, encouraging them to consider eco-friendly options. This is especially relevant in our current times, where awareness about environmental issues is crucial.

Moreover, the advertisement is not just informative but also emotionally appealing. It strikes a chord with its audience by connecting the idea of personal transport to the larger picture of global health. The visuals of nature thriving alongside the vehicle symbolize a harmonious coexistence that we all aspire to achieve. This blend of emotional and rational appeal makes the advertisement not just a promotion for a product but a call to action for a sustainable lifestyle.

In conclusion, this advertisement impresses me not only as a consumer but also as someone who values the environment. It's a brilliant example of how modern marketing can be both effective and socially responsible, resonating with viewers on a deeper level than just product promotion. It's advertisements like these that redefine the essence of marketing, turning it into a platform for positive change.


Why This Is A High Scoring Answer

Understanding the nuances of the IELTS Speaking test is crucial for achieving a high band score. The sample answer provided above for the topic "Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful" is an excellent example of what examiners look for. Here's an in-depth analysis of why this response is a high scorer:

Firstly, the response demonstrates a high level of fluency and coherence. The candidate smoothly transitions from one idea to the next, maintaining a clear and logical flow throughout. For instance, the introduction immediately sets the context by mentioning where the advertisement was seen and its main focus – an environmentally-friendly electric vehicle. This clarity and progression of ideas are key to scoring high in the fluency and coherence criteria.

Secondly, the lexical resource used in the response is exceptional. The use of phrases like "lasting impression," "practical utility," "environmentally-conscious society," and "harmonious coexistence" showcases a wide range of vocabulary. This not only makes the response more engaging but also demonstrates the candidate's ability to use language flexibly and precisely.

Thirdly, the response excels in grammatical range and accuracy. The candidate uses a variety of complex sentence structures correctly, without errors that hinder communication. For example, the complex sentence, “It was not just a product showcase, but a narrative about embracing a healthier lifestyle with the help of technology,” demonstrates sophisticated use of language.

Moreover, the candidate's ability to engage with the topic deeply, by discussing the emotional and rational appeals of the advertisement, shows excellent analytical skills. This approach reflects an understanding that goes beyond surface-level descriptions, which is a hallmark of higher band responses.

Regarding our exclusive IELTS eBooks, you’ll find they offer exclusive insights and strategies to enhance your score in IELTS exam. These resources are designed to help you navigate through the exam with confidence, offering in-depth knowledge and practice material.

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Model Answer 2

One advertisement that I recently found quite impactful and useful was broadcasted during a prime-time television slot and also featured prominently on various online platforms. This ad, promoting a breakthrough mobile health app, truly stood out for its innovative approach and relevance in today’s fast-paced world.

Set against the backdrop of everyday urban life, the advertisement showcased people from different walks of life using the app to monitor and improve their health. The focus was on the app’s ease of use and its comprehensive features, including fitness tracking, dietary advice, and mental wellness tips. It was not just a product showcase, but a narrative about embracing a healthier lifestyle with the help of technology.

What makes this advertisement particularly useful is its emphasis on preventive healthcare, a concept that is gaining tremendous importance. In an era where health consciousness is on the rise, this ad skillfully intertwines the need for regular health monitoring with the convenience offered by the app. It effectively communicates the idea that taking care of one’s health can be seamlessly integrated into daily life, without it being a cumbersome task.

Furthermore, the emotional appeal of the advertisement is undeniable. It resonates with viewers by depicting relatable scenarios – from a busy professional finding time to meditate to a senior citizen checking their heart rate after a walk. This human-centric approach not only makes the ad engaging but also emphasizes the app's utility across different age groups and lifestyles.

In summary, this advertisement impresses me profoundly. It goes beyond traditional marketing, becoming a catalyst for positive lifestyle changes. Its clever blend of practicality, emotional connection, and technological innovation not only captures attention but also inspires action. In the realm of digital health and wellness, it sets a benchmark for how products can be positioned as essential tools for modern living.


Why This Is A High Scoring Answer

Analyzing the given response to "Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful," we can identify several elements that contribute to its high scoring potential in the IELTS Speaking Part 2 section.

Fluency and Coherence: The response is exceptionally well-structured, demonstrating a clear progression of ideas. It begins with a captivating introduction, setting the context about where and how the advertisement was encountered. The transition from describing the advertisement's setting to discussing its impact is smooth, showing the candidate's ability to articulate thoughts coherently.

Lexical Resource: The use of varied and sophisticated vocabulary is evident. Terms like "breakthrough mobile health app," "preventive healthcare," and "digital health and wellness" are not only contextually appropriate but also add depth to the response. Such terminology enhances the descriptive quality, making the answer more vivid and engaging.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response showcases a range of complex grammatical structures used accurately. For example, sentences like "Set against the backdrop of everyday urban life, the advertisement showcased people from different walks of life..." demonstrate the use of complex sentence structures effectively.

Task Achievement: The response fully addresses all aspects of the task. It describes where the ad was seen, what it is about, its usefulness, and the candidate’s feelings about it. This comprehensive coverage ensures that all parts of the task are fulfilled.

For further guidance on mastering such responses, our exclusive IELTS eBooks can be an invaluable resource for you. These books are tailored to help you understand and apply these principles in your own answers, enhancing both your understanding and performance in the IELTS.

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Model Answer 3

One advertisement that recently captured my attention and admiration was featured across various digital media platforms, including popular video streaming services. This ad, promoting an innovative language learning app, stood out not just for its creativity but also for its educational significance in our increasingly interconnected world.

The advertisement unfolds in a bustling international airport, where individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds interact. It artfully showcases people using the app to break language barriers, from a young traveler asking for directions in a foreign country to a business professional preparing for an international meeting. This clever setting highlights the app's real-world utility, emphasizing its role in facilitating global communication and understanding.

What I find particularly useful about this advertisement is its focus on lifelong learning and cultural exchange. In an age where global connectivity is paramount, the ad powerfully conveys the importance of language learning as a tool for personal and professional growth. It effectively demonstrates how mastering a new language can open doors to new experiences and opportunities, making it a valuable asset in today's multicultural environment.

Moreover, the emotional appeal of the advertisement is striking. It connects with viewers by portraying relatable scenarios of people overcoming language challenges, fostering a sense of accomplishment and global camaraderie. This emotional resonance not only makes the ad engaging but also underscores the app's potential to enrich lives by breaking down linguistic barriers.

In conclusion, this advertisement impresses me deeply with its blend of innovation, practicality, and emotional connection. It transcends conventional advertising, presenting the language learning app as more than just a tool – it's a gateway to a more connected and understanding world. In the landscape of educational technology, it sets a new standard for how digital tools can be leveraged to enhance our abilities and expand our horizons.


Why This Is A High Scoring Answer

When analyzing the response given to the topic "Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful," there are several key aspects that contribute to its high scoring potential in the IELTS Speaking test:

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The response is articulated with a smooth and natural flow of ideas, demonstrating excellent fluency. For instance, the transition from describing the setting of the advertisement at an international airport to discussing its impact on language learning is seamless. This fluid narrative structure is essential for scoring high in fluency and coherence.

2.    Lexical Resource: The use of diverse and advanced vocabulary is evident throughout the response. Phrases like "bustling international airport," "lifelong learning and cultural exchange," and "global camaraderie" showcase the candidate's ability to use language effectively. This rich vocabulary usage is critical for a high score in the lexical resource criterion.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response includes a variety of complex sentence structures that are used accurately, enhancing the clarity and sophistication of the message. Sentences such as "This clever setting highlights the app's real-world utility..." demonstrate a high level of grammatical proficiency, which is a key aspect of the IELTS Speaking test.

4.    Task Response: The answer comprehensively covers all aspects of the task. It describes where the advertisement was seen, its content, its usefulness, and the speaker's feelings about it, fulfilling the task requirements effectively.

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