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You Accidentally Damaged Something in Your Friend's House While He/She is Away - GT Letter Sample

You recently stayed at your friend’s place, to look after the house while he/she is away. You accidentally damaged something in his/her house. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter, you should:

  • describe what the accident was

  • explain when it happened

  • suggest how the damage can be fixed.

You Accidentally Damaged Something in Your Friend's House While He/She is Away - GT Letter Sample

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Model Answer 1

Dear Emily,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you about an unfortunate incident that occurred at your house during your absence, involving accidental damage to an item.

The incident involved your antique coffee table in the living room. While I was dusting and rearranging some books on it, I accidentally knocked over a vase. The vase, luckily, survived the fall, but the impact left a noticeable scratch and a small chip on the surface of the table. This happened last Thursday afternoon, just as I was tidying up the living room.

I deeply regret this mishap and want to assure you that I am fully committed to rectifying the situation. To address the damage, I suggest we enlist the services of a professional furniture restorer who specializes in antique woodwork. Their expertise can ensure that the table is carefully repaired, potentially restoring it to its original condition. I am ready to cover all the associated costs for the repair.

Please accept my sincerest apologies for this accident. I value your trust in me to look after your home and feel terrible about this unintended damage. I am hopeful that we can resolve this issue swiftly and to your satisfaction.

Warm regards,


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Model Answer 2

Dear Jonathan,

I trust this message finds you in good spirits, though I must regrettably bring to your attention a mishap that occurred at your residence during your time away, involving an item of your property.

The incident in question transpired last Wednesday evening and involved your cherished ceramic floor vase in the hallway. In a moment of inadvertent clumsiness, I bumped into the vase while carrying groceries, causing it to topple and shatter. The vase's unique design and sentimental value to you immediately filled me with regret over the accident.

Understanding the irreplaceable nature of the vase, I propose a course of action to make amends. I've located a local artisan who specializes in ceramic art and can craft a custom vase that, while not identical, would be in keeping with the style and aesthetic of your original piece. Additionally, I would like to offer a personal token of apology in the form of a handmade item from the same artisan, reflecting my sincere remorse and appreciation for your understanding in this matter.

Please accept my deepest apologies for this unfortunate incident. I am committed to ensuring a resolution that is both respectful and satisfactory to you. Your forgiveness in this situation would mean a great deal to me.

Kindest regards,


Model Answer 3

Dear Rachel,

I hope you're enjoying your trip. I'm writing with a heavy heart to disclose an unfortunate incident that occurred at your home, which involves an unintended mishap with one of your belongings.

The incident revolves around your elegant glass dining table. Last Friday evening, while I was arranging some flowers in a vase on the table, the vase slipped from my hands and struck the table, resulting in a noticeable crack on its surface. The vase was unharmed, but the table now bears this regrettable mark.

I want to assure you of my commitment to rectify this situation. My suggestion is to consult a skilled glass repair specialist who can assess and possibly fix the crack seamlessly. If the table cannot be restored to its original state, I am prepared to replace it with a new one of similar design and quality, ensuring that your dining room retains its charming aesthetic. I will take care of all the expenses involved in this repair or replacement.

Please accept my sincerest apologies for this mishap. I understand the importance of your trust in me to care for your home, and I am deeply sorry for this oversight. I am hopeful that we can find a suitable solution to this problem together.

Warmest regards,


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