Energy Used in An Average House in A European Country - Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9
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Energy Used In An Average House in A European Country - IELTS Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9 Sample

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The first pie chart shows how energy is used in an average house in a European country. The second chart shows the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions from this energy use in this country.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

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IELTS Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9 Sample - The first pie chart shows how energy is used in an average house in a European country. The second chart shows the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions from this energy use in this country.

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Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9 Sample Report (1)

The presented data compares the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a typical family in a European country. The first pie chart highlights the distribution of energy usage among various household activities, while the second chart showcases the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions resulting from this energy consumption.

A prevalent trend that emerges from the data is that water heating and heating & cooling systems demand the most significant energy usage in households within this particular European country. Moreover, these usage domains correspond to the largest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions within the country.

Based on the first pie chart, over 20% of energy consumption in a household is utilized by the water heating system, while heating and cooling systems necessitate one-fifth of the total energy. Moreover, refrigeration accounts for 12% of energy consumption, exceeding that of cooking and lighting. In addition, 5% of energy is utilized in standby mode, and the remainder of the energy, about 24%, is required for other household appliances.

The second pie chart illustrates the impact of various household systems on greenhouse gas emissions, with heating and cooling systems being the most significant contributor at 38%. Despite consuming more energy than heating and cooling systems, water heaters emit a comparatively lower percentage of greenhouse gases at 25%. Nonetheless, these two systems together are responsible for the highest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions in the country. The remaining household systems, including cooking, lighting, and refrigeration, generate a combined 18% of greenhouse gases. Finally, all other appliances and standby modes are responsible for producing the remaining 19% of greenhouse gases.

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Task 1 Pie Chart Band 9 Sample Report (2)

The initial pie chart depicts the distribution of energy usage in a standard household, while the second chart presents the proportions of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to various energy-consuming devices in a European nation.

As a general observation, the higher the energy consumption of household appliances, the greater the amount of greenhouse gas they emit. As evident from the data, the consumption of energy by water heating and temperature regulation systems nearly accounts for half of the total energy requirements in an average household in this country. The combined energy usage of cooking, standby modes, and lighting is approximately 20%, whereas refrigeration alone consumes 12% of the total electricity. The remaining one-quarter energy share is utilized by all other household appliances.

It is noteworthy that a correlation exists between the proportion of energy consumed by a specific device and the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions it generates, with the exception of heating and cooling systems. Despite using less power than water heaters, heating and cooling systems produce the highest proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. Other devices generate hazardous gases based on the amount of energy they need to operate. Heating water, warming and cooling the rooms account for more than half of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Cooking, standby mode, and lighting collectively contribute to 14% of greenhouse gas production, which is roughly equivalent to the amount produced by other household appliances.

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